FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 392 Blest Is the Man, Forever Blest Ps. 32 L. M. O Jesu Christ, mein’s Isaac Watts, 1719 “Nüernbergisches Gesangbuch,” 1676 That His Im Whose eous are the er ness free; Lord blest, hum hides putes guilt ble and not is is glo guile is rious his the the Blest 1 4 How 3 From 2 Blest whom right lips ev man is heart man, that and to for his are i ance it row dence well of ev pent mer sor par his of a re con joy, can doned in fear, ties; God, his ly ui his all ho iq by cels deep pleads sins bright sins, the re no with While With He Whose his pears prove faith works with cov not join all to ered on his but his ap life grace Sav fessed ward gree grace And And And Thro’ men. re sin and ior’s blood. lies. shines! cere. A